【國際醫藥新聞分享】Mannose v.s Cancer

Assistant-in-Charge: Yen Yu, Chen

Member-in-Team: Yi Hsuan, Lee; Shih Hwan, Chen; Tsu Ling, Chen 

Article Reference: BBC Health (https://www.bbc.com/news/health-46291919)

Pubilshed Date of Article: Nov 21st, 2018


Original Article:


Sugary supplement mannose could help fight cancer

A nutritional supplement may be able to slow the development of some cancers and enhance the effects of treatment, a study in mice suggests.

Mice with pancreatic, lung or skin cancer were given mannose, a sugar also found in cranberries and other fruits.

It significantly slowed the growth of their tumors, with no obvious side-effects, researchers found.

However, patients are being told not to start supplementing with mannose because of the risk of side-effects.

Scientists hope to test the supplement in people soon.

Mannose, which can be bought in health food shops and is sometimes used to treat urinary tract infections, is thought to interfere with the ability of tumors to use glucose to grow.


‘Perfect balance’

Scientists also looked at how mannose might affect cancer treatment by giving it to mice that had been treated with two of the most widely used chemotherapy drugs, cisplatin and doxorubicin.

They found it enhanced the effects of chemotherapy, slowing the growth of tumors and reducing their size. It also increased the lifespan of some mice.

In further tests, cells from other types of cancer, including leukemia, osteosarcoma (bone cancer), ovarian and bowel cancer were exposed to mannose in the laboratory.

Some cells responded well, while others did not.

How well the cells responded appeared to depend on the levels they had of an enzyme that breaks down mannose.

Lead author Prof Kevin Ryan, from the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, said his team had found a dosage of mannose that “could block enough glucose to slow tumor growth in mice but not so much that normal tissues were affected”.

Bodies require glucose for energy but cancerous tumors also use it to fuel their growth.

“This is early research but it is hoped that finding this perfect balance means that, in the future, mannose could be given to cancer patients to enhance chemotherapy without damaging their overall health,” he said.

Supplement warning

One advantage of mannose is that it is cheaper than drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies.

And Prof Ryan said he hoped tests in people could begin soon.

However, he and other experts warn that the findings do not mean people with cancer should start supplementing with mannose.

Martin Ledwick, Cancer Research UK’s head nurse, said: “Although these results are very promising for the future of some cancer treatments, this is very early research and has not yet been tested in humans.

“Patients should not self-prescribe mannose, as there is a real risk of negative side-effects that haven’t been tested for yet.

“It’s important to consult with a doctor before drastically changing your diet or taking new supplements.”

Prof Ryan said his team would next seek to investigate why mannose worked in some cancer cells and not others, so they could work out which patients might benefit the most.


Translation of Article:








科學家現在正致力於研究甘露糖對癌症治療的影響,他們將甘露糖給予正在服用兩種目前使用最廣泛的化療藥物:cisplatin(商品名:Abiplatin® Injection阿樂癌注射液、Platinex® Injection鉑帝爾注射液),和 doxorubicin(商品名:Adriblastina® Injection速溶艾黴素注射劑)的老鼠。在投予甘露糖給這些老鼠之後,化療的效果有所提升,不但腫瘤的成長速度減緩,尺寸縮小,有些老鼠的壽命也因此延長。


英國Baston癌症研究中心的研究員Kevin Ryan教授表示,他的研究團隊透過老鼠實驗發現某個特定劑量的甘露糖「足以減少癌細胞利用葡萄糖,而達到減緩腫瘤生長的效果,但並不會影響老鼠正常組織器官對於葡萄糖的利用。」


Kevin Ryan教授表示,「雖然這項研究還在早期階段,但這項發現代表著未來的癌症病患或許能夠藉由適量服用甘露糖,使癌細胞與正常細胞對於葡萄糖的利用達到完美的平衡,使我們能在不傷害患者整體健康的情況下,達到更好的化療效果。」




然而,他和其他專家警告大家,這項發現並不代表癌症患者現在就可以開始服用甘露糖補品。英國癌症中心的護理長Martin Ledwick說:雖然這對於未來癌症的治療是一項非常振奮人心的發現,但這只是初步的研究結果,也尚未進入人體試驗階段。


Prof Ryan也說,接下來他的團隊將繼續研究不同癌細胞對於甘露糖反應不同的原因,希望能找到服用甘露糖補品的最大受惠者。

Translation of Article (Edited):








科學家現在正致力於研究甘露糖對癌症治療的影響,他們將甘露糖給予正在服用兩種目前使用最廣泛的化療藥物:cisplatin(商品名:Abiplatin® Injection阿樂癌注射液、Platinex® Injection鉑帝爾注射液),和 doxorubicin(商品名:Adriblastina® Injection速溶艾黴素注射劑)的老鼠。在投予甘露糖給這些老鼠之後,化療的效果有所提升,不但腫瘤的成長速度減緩,尺寸縮小,有些老鼠的壽命也因此延長。


英國Baston癌症研究中心的研究員Kevin Ryan教授表示,他的研究團隊透過老鼠實驗發現某個特定劑量的甘露糖「足以減少癌細胞利用葡萄糖,而達到減緩腫瘤生長的效果,但並不會影響老鼠正常組織器官對於葡萄糖的利用。」


Kevin Ryan教授表示,「雖然這項研究還在早期階段,但這項發現代表著未來的癌症病患或許能夠藉由適量服用甘露糖,使癌細胞與正常細胞對於葡萄糖的利用達到完美的平衡,使我們能在不傷害患者整體健康的情況下,達到更好的化療效果。」




然而,他和其他專家也警告大家,這項發現並不代表癌症患者現在就可以開始服用甘露糖補品。英國癌症中心的護理長Martin Ledwick說:雖然這對於未來癌症的治療是一項非常振奮人心的發現,但這只是初步的研究結果,也尚未進入人體試驗階段。


Prof Ryan也說,接下來他的團隊將繼續研究不同癌細胞對於甘露糖反應不同的原因,希望能找到服用甘露糖補品的最大受惠者。