關於我們About Us


中華民國藥學生聯合會(Pharmaceutical Students’ Association of Taiwan,簡稱為PSA-Taiwan,縮寫為PSATW),簡稱藥聯會。於2005年7月正式成為內政部登記立案之人民團體,由全國大專院校藥學系學生會所組成的學生自治團體,包含有大仁科技大學、中國醫學大學高雄醫學大學、國立成功大學、國立陽明交通大學國立臺灣大學、國防醫學院、臺北醫學大學嘉南藥理大學等9校9系共同組成。

  • 藥聯會同時職掌各項年度重要活動,藉由跨校性活動「大藥盃」、「藥學生年會」,築起一個各校交流的平台,提供藥學生們切磋技能、聯繫情感的機會;也透過「臺灣醫藥學生聯合幹部培訓營」,提升幹部能力,並激發潛能、促使幹部們成為更具領導力的帶領者。
  • 藥聯會成立以和諧互動方式推動學生研究風氣、資訊交流以及情感交流為宗旨。同時,我們一直致力於學術專業能力養成、公共衛生參與、關注藥學教育、藥學生多元化能力培訓、學生交換計畫、國際組織交流與聯繫。

中華民國藥學生聯合會(Pharmaceutical Students’ Association of Taiwan, PSA-Taiwan)於2000年八月以關係會員國的身分正式加入了「世界藥學生聯合會」(International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation ,簡稱IPSF)。近期目標,將努力於推廣藥學聯會讓學生認識其宗旨及目的,以求在國際上能擁有不受質疑的發言權。除了接軌國際,拓展國內藥學生的國際見識外,實質提昇國內藥師專業角色的扮演與定位將是最終目標。




Summary of our motto/purpose statement

The Pharmaceutical Students’ Association of Taiwan (PSA-Taiwan) is the only national pharmacy student association in Taiwan, representing about 3000 to 4000 students nationwide. In PSATW, we have president, secretary, treasurer, public relation division, international affairs division, SEO, professional development division, and information division, conducting good communication and teamwork. With the ultimate goal of enhancing pharmacy students’ professional skills and soft power, PSATW officially joined the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) in August, 2000. Via all the activities we hold, we not only strengthen pharmacy students, equipping ourselves with information, but also further introduce and empower the voices and opinions of our pharmacists locally and internationally.


What makes our organization unique

  • Domestic Achievements

Domestic activities aim to enhance interactions of local students. We try to include group activities or games in order to create entertaining elements in these activities. Below are some annually held domestic events:

1.Pharmacy Cup, May

Pharmacy cup is one of the most aged events of PSATW, which could be dated several decades ago. It is consisted of 11 different competitive activities including basketball, baseball and tennis. Students all strive to earn reputation for their school and at the same time remembering the importance of sportsmanship. Pharmacy cup is doubtlessly a great chance to both increase interactions of pharmacy students countrywide and promote the idea of regular exercising.

All nine schools of PSATW take turns to host the Pharmacy Cup annually, giving everyone a chance to practice leadership and to explore pros and cons of other schools. For instance, the 2016 Pharmacy Cup was held by Taipei Medical University and has successfully ended its two-day schedule, and the host of the upcoming 2017 Pharmacy Cup is Tajen University.

Besides various exciting sport games, there is a unique activity designed in Pharmacy Cup every year, PCE (Patient Counseling Event). PCE is an excellent chance for students to show what they have acquired in school and a place for them to practically put in use. In the PCE, professional pharmacists are invited to be judges and will be giving valuable advises. PSATW Pharmacy Cup is definitely a chance for students to both learn and play.

2.PPAC (Pharmacy Profession Awareness Camp), August-October

PPAC is a campaign which combines pharmacy value promotion, public health education and team spirit. In PPAC, we illustrate a clearer relationship of pharmacists’ value, profession and public benefits, providing pharmacy students a better understanding of current pharmacists’ environment in Taiwan. This includes working contents in various aspects and developing trend. We also portrait possible challenges students might confront with in the nearby future and further stimulate their independent thinking, obstacle dealing, open speech, self-expression through group discussion and workshops

3.PSATW National Congress, January

PSATW Annual Congress normally takes place in January, as a reflection and conclusion of the previous year’s achievements. It is also a chance for us to share new information and extend our horizons. All nine pharmacy schools take turns to hold the national congress.

Being one of the biggest event of PSATW, the annual congress lasts typically for 4 days and contains diverse fascinating parts, both amusements and education. In 2016 National Congress, there are courses such as visiting industries, symposiums and workshops. Also, amazing race games and gala nights are included. This gives the students an opportunity to enjoy themselves and meanwhile sharpen their skills. We believe that through the national congress, our members can not only equip themselves with more knowledge but also form a stronger connection with students nationwide.


  • Cooperate Events

Cooperative events promote collaboration with students from different background such medical and veterinary. PSATW also conducts leadership camp  to strengthen our members’ management skills. Below are some achievements we have accomplished so far:

1.MVP Workshop

The MVP workshop, abbreviation of Medical Veterinary Pharmacy, is founded back in 2014. It is designed to sparkle students thinking by debating and discussing some of the latest health issues happening. In 2015, the 2nd MVP workshop, our topic is “One Medicine, One World and One Health”, indicating that in the 21st century, all of us have the responsibility to play our role to fight against the threats.

There is a special role playing game in MVP, students were assigned with different countries, debating on the issue of influenza and Ebola. They showed great team spirit and critical thinking skills during the mock conference and have realized that to fight against these threatening diseases, all medical related professions have to take their part well. Also, we are honored to invite six outstanding alumni conduct panel discussion with students. Other interesting activities such as trivia games, visiting the medical care room of zoo and lecture by researcher of Academia Sinica are also included in the workshop.

2.iNGO, June

PSATW, in cooperation and assistance with Taiwan Young Pharmacist Group and Pharmaceutical Society, holds a special event named iNGO. iNGO, meaning international NGO, is set to provide both pharmacists and pharmacy students a better knowledge of social service by symposiums and workshops. Three major focuses of iNGO are international relationships, public relations and public services. We are looking forward to seeing our participants utilizing their profession to enhance and to polish social welfare, social responsibility and even contribute to the world.


  • Pharmacy Service Teams

A group of enthusiastic pharmacy students go to rural areas to extend correct medication during winter and summer vacations. They exert their own expertise to hold physical checkups in communities and pharmaceutical education camps for elementary school students. The physical checkups include blood pressure, BMI, vision, blood glucose, body fat and other health examinations, health education advocacies and drug counseling, etc. They also invite local pharmacists to join the checkups, which attracts a lot of local folks to participate. Furthermore, they visit the elderly in their homes and conduct questionnaire surveys. Through the experiences, they expect to enhance medication safety and preventive medicine further.


立案第五屆:2009年2月至2010年1月  理事長:蔡令儀(台大)
◎ FM 計劃:爭取世界各藥學生代表提案修改世界藥學生聯合會章程與支持 PSA-Taiwan 成為世藥會正式會員 – 2008年11月至2009年8月
◎ 第一屆台灣病患用藥諮詢競賽(PCE)於中國醫藥大學 – 5月
◎ 第十七屆大藥盃於中國醫藥大學 – 5月

立案第四屆:2008年7月至2009年1月  理事長:蔡令儀(台大)
◎ 修改理監事會任期 – 11月
◎ 通過中華民國藥學生聯合會組織章程 – 12月
◎ 第九屆台灣藥學生年會於國防醫學院 – 1月

立案第三屆:2007年7月至2008年6月  理事長:羅正輝(嘉藥)
◎ 55th IPSF Congress 世界藥學生年會於台北圓山飯店舉行 – 8月
◎ 第十六屆大藥盃於高雄醫學大學 – 5月

立案第二屆:2006年7月至2007年6月  理事長:戴彰延(高醫)
◎ 籌備 55th IPSF Congress 世界藥學生年會
◎ 第七屆台灣藥學生年會於台北醫學大學 – 1月
◎ 第十五屆大藥盃於嘉南藥理科技大學 – 5月

立案第一屆:2005年7月至2006年6月  理事長:陳柏全(台大)
◎ 正式成為內政部登記立案之人民團體 – 7月
◎ 於德國取得 55th IPSF Congress 世界藥學生年會主辦權 – 8月
◎ 第六屆台灣藥學生年會於中國醫藥大學 – 1月
◎ 第十四屆大藥盃於台灣大學 – 5月




“Together we can make this world a better place”是本會的發展遠景及價值觀,醫療水平的進步也與環境永續、人文精神和服務熱誠密切結合,期許透過本會工作團隊的努力以及與其他專業組織單位的合作並結合聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),攜手打造更高水準的醫療環境、建構服務人民的專業醫療網以及提升藥學生的社會參與且善盡醫療人員之社會責任。