2014 WHA IPSF代表甄選申請

Invitation to take part in the IPSF delegation at the World Health Assembly 2014


世界衛生大會(WHA)每年在瑞士日內瓦召開一次例行會議,其職責主要為審議WHO工作報告、預算、新會員國入會申請,以及有關全球性重大疾病防治與醫療科技等重要議題。 時間:20th to 28th of May 2014 費用:沒有報名費但食、宿、交通等要自行負擔

IPSF 今年將有20個代表名額,IPSF 將開放申請甄選代表 有興趣申請者請於 2014/01/04 (GMT+0) 前將 letter of intent 和 CV寄給Ms Karolina Paciorek, IPSF Public Health Advocacy Coordinator和Sheena Patel: healthadvocacy@ipsf.org publichealth@ipsf.org

1) When submitting applications to attend WHA as a representative of IPSF you must submit a letter of intent, and CV.

2) Everything must be submitted by the deadline (4th of January, 2014, GMT+0). Applications will not be accepted after this deadline.

3) If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Karolina, Public Health Advocacy Coordinator at healthadvocacy@ipsf.org.

Thank you and we wish everyone good luck with their application for this unique opportunity!